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Parent Partnership

Why Focus on Parent Engagement?

We have asked parents and heard that being informed about your child's progress is important to you. You also want to know how to support your child's learning.

Research shows us that strong relationships with children and their families are a prerequisite for learning success. We can now correlate that at Stonefields School, children of parents who engage, progress and achieve well. For this reason, proactively building positive relationships, and having open and honest communication is something we don't leave to chance.

We engage you, our parents in a variety of ways. These include:

  • Family Connects - Prior to school starting at the beginning of the year

  • New to Stonefields School families 5-7 week connect following enrolment

  • Termly Māori whānau hui and activities - 2023 activities

  • Partnership Connects to hear how your child is progressin

  • Informal connects e.g. phone call

  • Learner Led Conferences - Term 2

  • Mid and End-of-year progress and achievement snapshots

Further details about each engagement initiative can be found below

Communicating Progress and Achievement

5-7 Week Connects

Following the enrolment of your child you will be contacted after 5-7 weeks to arrange a time to sit down and talk with a Hub teacher about how your child is settling in, and what some emerging next steps might be. This is a good opportunity for parents and teachers to get to know one another and understand what your child's strengths and interests are.

Learner Led Conferences

The Learner Led Conferences happen during Term 2. This is an opportunity for you to be led by your child to understand what they are learning, how they are going and what their next learning steps are. During the 40-60 minute conference, a Hub teacher will share a 10 minute progress update with you.

Partnership Connects

During the term, Hub teachers will reach out to you via a phone call to give you an update on how your child is progressing and highlight any successes, possible gaps and next steps.

Mid Year Achievement snapshot

The Mid-Year Achievement snapshot is sent to parents via email half way through the year. This will outline where your child is achieving in Writing, Reading and Mathematics.

End-of-Year Achievement Report

The End-of-Year Achievement Report provides a snapshot of where your child is achieving in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. It also provides a commentary from their hub teacher.

Te Pātaka Ako | The Community Hub

Te Pātaka Ako | The Community Hub, was launched in Term 2, 2021. It is an inclusive learning community based on the philosophy of ako or reciprocity in learning - where everyone is the learner and everyone is the teacher.

Te Pātaka Ako is a multi-faceted space where we offer curriculum and parenting workshops. Research shows us that strong relationships with children and their families are a prerequisite for learning success. We can now correlate that at Stonefields School when parents engage, their children progress and achieve well. Through the Te Pātaka Ako workshops, we envisage further developing our valuable partnership which will lead to better outcomes for our children.

Te Pātaka Ako is a space for communities to gather to share their talents and interests in a variety of ways. It is also a space for the school to build powerful partnerships with the various sectors of our school community.

The ultimate purpose of Te Pātaka Ako is to continue to build and strengthen our strong community partnership.

Check out our latest School Newsletter for upcoming parent workshops.


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