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Out-of-Zone Enrolment Ballot 2025

Stonefields School will be holding a ballot for the placement of ten New Entrant learners only, for the 2025 academic year. New Entrant learners are those who will be Year 0/1 in 2025 and have not attended primary school before. We are not opening the ballot for any other year level.

The ballot will close on Tuesday 15 October at 3pm. No applications will be accepted after this point.

The draw will be held on Wednesday 23 October 2024, drawn by a representative of the New Zealand Police. All applicants will be notified of the results in writing within three days of the draw taking place. 

Application Procedure

  1. Complete the Ballot Application Form

  2. The Ballot is drawn on Wednesday 23 October 2024, by a sworn member of the NZ Police.

  3. Names are pulled out of the Ballot and a waiting list is created if there are more names in the ballot than spaces available.

  4. Successful families are advised by email and asked to confirm acceptance in writing of the place offered within 14 days.

  5. Unsuccessful families are advised by email and placed on a waiting list in the number they are drawn from the ballot.

  6. If successful families decline the space, or do not respond within 14 days, the place may be offered to the next child on the waiting list.

The Secretary of Education's instructions to schools are that siblings at the same year level should be kept together for the purpose of the ballot, so that if one sibling's name is drawn, the other is automatically successful also.

Priority Order

Out-of-zone students who apply for enrolment at the school must be accepted in the following order of priority:

  • Priority 1 - applicants accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school (Not applicable at Stonefields School);

  • Priority 2 - applicant who is the sibling of a current student of the school;

  • Priority 3 - applicant who is the sibling of a former student of the school;

  • Priority 4 - applicant who is the child of a former student of the school;

  • Priority 5 - applicant who is either a child of an employee of the Board of the school or a child of a member of the Board of the school;

  • Priority 6 - all other applicants.

Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.

Please note that the Board will consider on a case by case basis applications for enrolment of out-of-zone siblings (only) who did not participate in the relevant ballot when there is a valid reason for them not participating in that ballot.

New Entrant Tour - Thursday 19 September

Stonefields School welcomes you to gain an insight into what being a learner at our school is all about. Join us on Thursday 19 September for a special New Entrant tour led by Associate Principal, Shoba Segar. You will see our new entrant hubs in action, along with a tour of the rest of the school and time to answer all your questions. 

The tour starts at 9.30am and lasts for one hour.

To attend this tour, please complete the following form:

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Thank you for registering for our New Entrant Tour. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 19 September, 9.30am


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